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"What a hoot! (with some alarming moments). This is a delightful book. It's an easy read, filled with adventures this guy has had -- adventures and excitement that many of us only dream of doing. The various episodes he has presented range from alarming to outrageously funny. I highly recommend this true accounting of "the captain's" adventures. If he has sequels in mind, I'm ready for them."

D. Cushman "rafter"

"The most eclectic & poignant collection I've ever read!"

Wyoming Supreme Court Judge Tim Day

The Odd Life of Captain Ron
Reflections and Ruminations of a River Runner

R.R. Maassen

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Many times friends have encouraged me to produce a collection of observations and situations, as all of us, from time to time, enjoy the escapism of reading someone else's trials and tribulations.

So, here is a small selection of snapshots of an odd life; some humorous, some sad, maybe some excitement, and hopefully never boring. In this book, he shares anecdotes from a lifetime of excursions, focusing on the mishaps because, he says, "for the most part, the only time there is something to write about (or read about) is when things go wrong."

The Odd Life of Captain Ron - cover

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