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A perceptive critic once called this book "one of the cleverest books ever written," and it's hard to argue with that judgment.


Street's gift for clarity is unsurpassed as he reduces the greatest American tragedy to its essential roots and describes the conflict in understandable language.


The Civil War
An Unvarnished Account of the Late But Still Lively Hostilities

James H Street

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The title says it all. An irreverent, journalistic survey that may never have been placed on a must read list by history professors or research specialists, but nevertheless is a succinct and down-home account by an author who speaks with the bite and honesty of someone you might meet sitting around the potbelly stove in an old general store. Street especially loved to tell about the unusual and surprising and doesn't disappoint. Do you have the needed skills to qualify as a Two-beer Civil War Debater? Street will tell you what you need to know. Short and snappy and loaded with sagacious wit. It could be the cleverest, most entertaining piece of history you've ever read.

The Civil War - cover

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