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"That one man could be at once this melancholy and this hilarious is much of Smith's genious. If not for the gut-splitting humor he would be down-right depressing...but boy, is he not! This is theatre of the absurd at its best."


"If you have the chance read it, it'll put a smile on your face."

Salty C Bug

Rain in the Doorway

Thorne Smith

Read an excerpt (opens in a new tab)

Who hasn't waited for a ride in the pouring rain and wondered if there wasn't something more to life?

This is exactly how we find poor Mr. Owen, hopeless and downtrodden, wet and miserable. Suddenly, he is swept in through a doorway to a place full of wild imaginations, where loneliness and unfulfilled dreams are a thing of the past. Along with Messrs. Larkin, Britt-Britt and Dinner, the once completely ignored and abused Mr. Owen is pursued by women, has a constant supply of liquor, and hops from one off the wall adventure to another. He may lose his inhibitions, but he finds something he was in desperate need of, love. Miss Honor Knightly is everything he never knew existed and then some!

This is a heartwarming tale of dreams coming true.

Rain in the Doorway - cover

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