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"I think this is my favorite of them all -- and I love No Sitch and Honk. Definitely timely, with the flood as the high spot of the story. Entertaining, in its tale of the stubborn mule, who got punished for his wrong exercise of will power when the flood caught him stranded on the school house porch. A hilarious story -- with a good deal of good background material about life in an Iowa community caught in the flood area."

--Kirkus Reviews

High Waters

Phil Stong

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When a case of measles closes the grade school in Pittsville, Iowa during a raw and cold March winter, the excitement over a few days away from school is suddenly overshadowed by the flooding of the Des Moines River. During the summer, the river was a quiet drifting stream in which boys waded and dug for clams -- in winter, however, the river could turn into a torrent which loaded the bridge piers with the dead trunks of trees. As the people of the small town of Four Corners scramble for safety, three boys embark on an adventure of their own -- the rescue of a small brown and white burro named Mexico.

The Iowa Kids 1910 series is a collection of three unforgettable stories -- humorously captured and simply told. Farm Boy, High Waters, No-Sitch the Hound.

About the Author

As a boy, the author Phil Stong spent many hours on a farm owned by his maternal grandparents -- the Duffields -- where he walked the land, fished in the creek, played in the dairy barn, chored for his grandparents, and otherwise immersed himself in the wonders and wisdom of rural life. Linwood Farm, as it was called, was located just three miles west of Keosauqua across the Des Moines River on the ridge line in Pittsburg. The farm remained in the Duffield family until it was sold during World War I. But in 1932, Stong bought back the family's historic farm which he owned until he died in 1957.

Phil Stong's experiences on Linwood Farm were later captured in many of his literary works, particularly in his books for young people. The Iowa Kids 1910 series is a collection of three unforgettable stories -- humorously captured and simply told.

High Waters - cover

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